In recent years, Calcutta Rescue has begun to evolve from a demand-driven to an evidence-based / data-driven organization.

In 2017, Calcutta Rescue conducted a study on the health and living conditions of slum dwellers (precursor study to the larger multidimensional poverty study).
This was followed by a cohort study that examined the impact of a nutrition intervention program on the growth of children with stunted growth in a large slum in northern Kolkata (malnutrition project). Calcutta Rescue's first comprehensive multidimensional poverty study was conducted in 2019 and covered 23 slum areas. Prior to this, the mental health of slum dwellers was also examined.
At the beginning of 2021, Calcutta Rescue began collecting data for a longitudinal study investigating the impact of Covid-19 on various areas of the lives of people in the slums (COVID study - in preparation).

Calcutta Rescue Research Collaborative
These simultaneous initiatives led to the founding of the Calcutta Rescue Research Collaborative in early 2020. This research group consists of volunteers from different countries and with expertise in various disciplines. They meet online to produce relevant, well-planned, responsible research protocols supported by rigorous methodology and ethical guidelines.
The purpose of research at Calcutta Rescue is to provide the organization's leadership with data that will enable the following:
- evidence-based decision-making (e.g. prioritization)
- an improvement in services
- Fundraising and communication
The Calcutta Rescue Foundation is represented by two board members: President Isabelle Hug and Flavia Hug. Here is the list of all members.
The latest research projects
- Multidimensional Poverty Study
- Malnutrition project (as yet unpublished)
- Mental health (as yet unpublished)
- COVID study (as yet unpublished)