Thanks to the donations collected in May 2022 during the Ironman appeal, Calcutta Rescue's schoolchildren finally have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument.
Swayam Shaw says: "I look forward to the instrumental lessons on Saturdays. The teacher teaches us how to play the keyboard and guitar. I have always admired others who can play the guitar and now I am learning. I am very happy because I could never have imagined that I would get this opportunity."
We are very happy (and so is he!) that Xavier Houot was able to complete this "IronMan" triathlon (3.8 km swim, 180 km bike ride, 42 km marathon) on behalf of our organization so that the children in the slums of Kolkata also have the opportunity to learn music at school.

"Une expérience qui rend humble... Les enfants de Calcutta m'ont beaucoup appris... "
"They're always souring...but I've been souring all the time! Biking, running... even the holidays!"
" 12 heures sous le soleil, ce n'est pas grand chose au fond...les vagues de chaleur frappent en ce moment l'Inde et les logements très modestes des bidonvilles de Calcutta du soirir au matin"
"Les enfants de Calcutta ne se plaignent pas malgré des moyens de subsistance et des conditions de scolarité modestes. Comment se plaindre d'une fatigue ponctuelle ?"
"Quand j'étais épuisé pendant le marathon ... ils étaient dans mes jambes, me portaient littéralement! I felt their encouragement all along the course. J'ai porté lnotre logo commun tout au long de l'IronMan"
"Sourions toujours. These children from the bidonvilles de Calcutta are so talented, have such courage and enthusiasm. Like the children of the whole world. Donnons-leur une chance"