In the Nimtala slum, where the rhythmic rattling of the trains is a constant companion, 5-year-old Rishav experienced a life-changing accident. As he lay sleeping on the tracks, a train unexpectedly rushed past and he lost an arm and a leg. In the blink of an eye, Rishav's life changed forever.

In the Nimtala slum, which lies in the middle of the precarious railroad tracks, numerous families live directly on the tracks. The people there are mainly day laborers, delivery truck drivers, flower sellers and domestic workers. Rishav's family, with his father as the sole breadwinner, had to struggle with the consequences of the tragic accident. Rishav, now 7 years old, lives with his parents and three siblings.

Thanks to the quick action of a neighbor, Rishav was taken to a state hospital. Thanks to a successful operation, Rishav's life was saved. The financial burden on the family increased as they could not afford the cost of ongoing treatment. Calcutta Rescue's Nimtala Clinic became a beacon of light for Rishav's family.

Rishav's mother is grateful for the help: "After Rishav was discharged, treatment became very expensive. Since only Rishav's father had an income, we were desperate about how to take care of him. Then we brought him to Calcutta Rescue's Nimtala Clinic."
Partha, the head of the clinic, formulated the organization's mission: "Rishav had an accident in the early years of his life that left him physically disabled. We wanted to give him a future where his physical problems would not hinder his daily life."

Under the care of Calcutta Rescue, Rishav received the necessary medical care and nutrition. It took two years for Rishav to regain the strength in his limbs. Once he had regained his strength, Calcutta Rescue went a step further and provided him with a prosthetic leg. A prosthetic arm was soon to follow.

Despite the challenges posed by his physical condition, Rishav is developing into a cheerful and resilient young man. At school, he is surrounded by friends and finds joy in activities such as drawing and playing Carrom. When asked about his ambitions, Rishav replied with a shy smile: "I'll think about that in a few years."

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